Wednesday, November 13, 2013

On the Bright Side of Pink

Today I had my 5th of 8 chemo treatments.  I'm so happy to be nearing the end.  To be past the halfway point is a reason to celebrate.  For the past 3 weeks I have dreaded this day.  The last few have really been hard on me and I've had a lot of people tell me the that further I got into treatment the harder it's going to get.  I was fighting an internal battle because I also couldn't wait for this day to get here and then to be over.  The countdown to the end is getting smaller with each treatment. So this was a big day in both ways.  I arrived at the center late, which if you've had more than on treatment at my center you'll understand why it's not a big deal.  They're always behind.  I've never not had to wait to be seen or to have a treatment.  In the beginning I was very frustrated but quickly realized that that was the least of my worries! :)

We waited 40 minutes this time but it's really no big deal.  I'm very talkative but from the first time I entered that building I was quiet as a church mouse.  I worried that people were too sick to talk or wouldn't want to talk about their illness, what I have come to realize is that they are just waiting for you to look in their direction and then they are open, friendly and sharing.  In such an unlikely place, I've made so many friends!  It's so inspiring to look across the aisle to a lady who is so evidently sick and have her smile at you.  I don't know her name and we've had some of the greatest conversations.

Even though it's been a rough road, I wouldn't have the experiences that I'm having if not for this illness.  The chemo was terrible today.  I've had so many hot flashes that I feel like I'm on fire.  But it was still a great day.  I know it sounds crazy but I laughed through chemo!!  My hope and prayer is that everyone going through this can find the bright side of pink!  I hope that you can laugh through it!  Laughter, after all, is the best medicine!  Keep your head up and smile across the aisle...

Have a good night.  I'll probably be off the computer for a while for the next several days.  But I'll be back with more, thanks for stopping by



  1. How wonderful that you are able to find a silver lining in the clouds! Hugs to you and I hope the last of the treatments are easier on you than you expect.

  2. Thanks so much! I had my chemo and Wednesday and not doing too badly. Looking forward to being done so that I can get back to normal. Thanks so much for stopping by

